
This is the end of week 4 of build season.

As a team, we need to do scholarship presentations to show potential sponsors why we need their help. We talk about our team and about how our members have grown on the team. We also talk about the greater impact our scholarships have allowed us to have on our community.

Here are some quotes from members on the team.

"They help support us and the community and we need sponsors to go to competitions. They offer money, tools, support, and so much more to help us through our building process."

"They help us get our tools for building and help us be able to go to competition and have a good time."

"They provide the means for us to be able to build the robot through both monetary gifts and supplying materials and people. They greatly help us through everything."

"Without the sponsors we have we would not be able to build a robot, design a pit, get team shirts, or even go to competition. Also, we would not be able to do community service projects without the funds we raise."


You are very appreciated and we could not do what we do without you.

If you are interested in helping our team through monetary means, guidance, or tools, feel free to contact us. Also, if you are interested in our current sponsors, check out the sponsors tab on our website.

Posted on Jan 14, 2020