Chamber Madness

This is week three of the 2020 build season for Infinate Recharge. This week the blog topic is all about the chamber. The chamber is used to get the balls from the intake to the shooter.

Here are a few quotes from students and mentors on how the chamber prototyping process has been going.

"It has been going good, but kinda tiring. We've designed the holding space for the balls and now we just have to add wheels and a motor." A second year member

"Right now we're kinda figuring out ideas and are thinking of ways to control wheels. We are always brainstorming ideas for prototyping. We are trying to figure out what to use because we do not currently have the right size belts."- A second year member

"So the delivery chamber prototype to take the ball from the intake to the shooter mechanism is being made out of wood. We are setting the amount of compression and attaching the pully device. Early next week we will further prove it out with different compressions on the ball." -Mentor

What do you think is the best way to move the ball from the intake to the shooter?

How much compression on the ball do you think would work best?

We would love to hear what you have to say. If you have any questions or comments about our progress we would gladly reply to you. Good luck to all the other teams!

Posted on Jan 19, 2020